Needle Felting

Ahhh, the blog neglect has begun.  I knew it would happen . . . but just look at my good excuse!  My free time has been claimed by a new discovery (of a very old craft): needle felting!  If you’re not familiar with the method (I wasn’t), it is done by stabbing wool roving (raw wool that has been cleaned, carded and sometimes dyed) with a special barbed needle until you reach the desired shape.  I love it for its simplicity, for the colors and for its ability to satisfy the fickle and impatient crafter in me!

I started with rattles, inspired by little Henry’s newfound shaking skills which could leave him bruised by other toys.  Then I moved on to the matryoshka dolls, which I haven’t finished but still couldn’t wait to post here:

Once I felt more confident in creating little wool sculptures, I made this, um, woolidermy . . .

I’d love to hear your thoughts!